MeterTest RD-23 Portable Single Phase Reference Standard
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MeterTest RD-23 Portable Single Phase Reference Standard

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The portable RD-23 single phase reference standard is one of the most versatile reference instruments ever. The RD-23 has aworst case accuracy of .01 % for all measurement functions across its entire operating range, with atypical accuracy that is within traceability uncertainties. This worst case accuracy specification includes the variables of stability, power factor, traceability uncertainty and test system errors.

A unique design makes the RD-23 unsurpassed in its ability to accurately measure real world۝ waveforms. The RD-23 reference meter, includes an exclusive analog to digital signal converter. The RD-23 built-in converter is combined with Radian Research۪s renowned electronically compensated voltage and current input transformers and ahermetically sealed reference. This combination-provides the highest degree of accuracy, stability and versatility offered in aportable three-phase standard.

  • د.ك0.000KWD
In stock (1000 items available)
  • Typical Accuracy: within traceability uncertainties
  • Worst Case Accuracy: .01% @ PF.5
    • SKU
      MeterTest RD-23
  • Brand
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